why in the ever loving 106 hell would u still have the save and quit option. are u real? if what he says is true and u cant save and quit on a keter run. my friend pointed out it may be because of the save and quit.let me ask u this. why? why is ur game so unbelievably broken that i cant even get the achievemnt that shows i beat the hardest diffucluty in hte game. with 173 teleporting behind despite being on stairs plus the fact that i was in the same room as him looking in his general direction i still prevailed. my exhuasted brain cannot comprehend this thought process.

barley fix the important game breaking/keter run ending bugs. because who in their right mind rips off a game. im not even sure your human at this point or sane at all.

ive seen old 1800s houses less bugged than this concotion u have ever dared to call a game. so why is it that they think its ok for something like 049 to teleport like its goku? and another thing why are the achievemnts so bugged beyond bielief. is it fair for the living embodiment of death to suddenly teleport one centimeter away from your chest hair? thought so. let me ask you this to anyone reading this. but whenevr i first started playing the game i instantly regretted every decsion of my life up to that point. i was trying to achievemnt grind this game because it looked cool and i havent had much motivation to play scp games as of late. ultimate editions was 999% better than this. You have single handlely made the worse scp game.